Winter support

Colchester Borough Council is providing support for residents, businesses and communities throughout winter.

Positive Parking Strategy

Foreword by Councillor Michael Lilley

In 2019, our Council, along with many others in the UK, declared a climate emergency. This is essential in enabling us to deliver on our ambitions to make Colchester prosperous, a great place to live and work, and provide people with opportunities to live long, fulfilling lives.

We understand that the supply and provision of adequate, accessible and good quality car parking is important to visitors and residents. It’s important that we take action now by introducing measures that will make a real difference to the way we travel and reduce the impact of our activities on the environment.

This parking strategy contains a number of measures that we hope will bring real change in how we travel and how we help the Council deliver its wider ambitions for society. This is just one of many positive steps that we can take now to reduce our carbon emissions, and be proud of the action we’ve taken for future generations.

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