The Local Plan | Colchester Borough Council

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The Local Plan

TEST: Article

We are responsible for producing a Local Plan which guides future growth and development in the Borough.


  • What is in the Local Plan
  • The documents that make up the Local Plan
  • The proposal maps that will be a key tool in the determination of planning applications

The Local Plan must meet national planning requirements and is produced by technical evidence as well as comments received during public consultations. 

We have produced a set of adopted Development Plan Documents (DPD) that we refer to as our adopted Local Plan, which guides future growth and development in the Borough up to 2021.

The DPD comprise of: 

Core Strategy 

The policies in the Core Strategy are a material consideration when determining planning applications and future development across the Borough of Colchester. 

View Core Strategy

View the Inspector's binding report and associated documents

Site Allocations DPD 

The policies in the Site Allocations DPD are a material consideration and used in the determination of planning applications. 

View Site Allocations

View the Inspector's final reports and adoption statements

Development Policies DPD 

The policies in the Development Policies DPD are a material consideration and used in the determination of planning applications. 

View Development Policies

View the Inspector's final reports and adoption statements

Proposals Maps

Allocations are shown and these reflect the policies within the DPD. 

The maps cover the entire Borough and will be a key tool in the determination of planning applications and growth of the Borough 

View Proposals Maps

Tiptree Jam Factory DPD

The Tiptree Jam Factory Plan focuses on the redevelopment of the Wilkin & Sons Jam Factory and future residential development on land adjacent. 

View Tiptree Jam Factory

View other documents

The Local Plan Focused Review

The Local Plan Focused Review, incorporating the Inspector's Schedule of Main Modifications, was adopted by us on 16 July 2014. 

The main change to the Focused Review document was the removal of all the employment and centres/retail policies. 

The existing employment and centres policies are unchanged, and remain as they exist in the Core Strategy and Development Policies DPD. 

We will continue to use the adopted Centres and Employment policies in the determination of planning applications.

View documents relating to the Local Plan Focused Review