Emerging Local Plan 2017-2033 | Colchester Borough Council

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Emerging Local Plan 2017-2033

TEST: Article

The new Local Plan is an important document which will determine the way forward for Colchester Borough.


  • What is the new Local Plan
  • Information on each of the stages of the Local Plan preparation
  • The Publication of the Draft Local Plan and information on the Examination
  • The range of documents that form the Evidence Base

The new Local Plan is an important document which will determine the way forward for Colchester Borough. 

It will provide the strategy for the growth of our district to 2033 and beyond, setting out what development will take place and where. 

It will set out a vision for the area, establishing the long term aims and aspirations for the Borough. It will include policies and allocations that will help to deliver these aims and aspirations.

The Local Plan has gone through the following stages:

The next stage is Examination. Section One and Section Two of the new Local Plan will be examined separately, with Section One being carried out first jointly with Braintree and Tendring District Councils.

Once adopted, the new Local Plan will replace our existing local planning policies.  

The Local Plan is supported by a comprehensive Evidence Base

1. Submission/Examination

On 9th October 2017 we submitted the Local Plan and its accompanying documents to the Planning Inspectorate.

We have collated all the representations received in response to the Publication Draft consultation period which ran from 16th June - 11th August 2017. All representations received can be viewed in full on the Consultation Portal.

In accordance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, all of the representations received from that consultation in full,  along with a range of evidence base and supporting documents were sent to the Planning Inspectorate on 9th October in preparation for an Examination in Public (EiP) commencing on 16 January 2018

Submission Documents

The Submission Documents for the Colchester Local Plan including the Local Plan, Policies Maps and Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment.

View documents

These documents can also be viewed at our office at Rowan House between 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday - Friday.

Examination in Public

The Local Plan will be examined in two parts.

The Planning Inspectorate has appointed Mr Roger Clews BA MSc DipEd DipTP MRTPI to conduct the examination to determine whether Section One (North Essex Authorities' Joint Strategic Plan) is sound. His role will include setting the programme for the Examination in Public, identifying matters/issues and the need for any public hearing sessions. The Examination will take place from the 16th January 2018 at the Weston Homes Community Stadium, United Way, Colchester, CO4 5UP.

Section Two of the Colchester Local Plan will be examined separately after Section One.

Updates on this will be made when this is available.

Andrea Copsey has been appointed as the independent Programme Officer to support the examination process. The Programme Officer can be contacted on:

  • Phone: 07842 643988
  • Email: copseyandrea@gmail.com
  • Post: Longcroft Cottage, Bentley Road, Weeley Heath, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO16 9BX.

All documents which support the Submission and Examination of the Shared Strategic Section 1 of the Local Plan are hosted by Braintree District Council.

Read more on Braintree's site

Supporting Documents

The Local Plan is supported by a range of documents guiding the plan preparation and policy formulation.

View all supporting documents relevant (in full or in part) to Section Two of our Local Plan Submission document.

View Documents

2. Evidence Base

The Local Plan is supported by a range of documents which together form a comprehensive evidence base in order to guide and inform planning policies across the Borough.

A full range of relevant evidence base documents can be viewed here;

All evidence relevant to Section One is on Braintree's site.

View Colchester Local Plan Evidence Base including documents relevant to Section Two

Section One of the Local Plan includes a commitment to plan and deliver new Garden Communities including locations to the east and west of Colchester. More detailed Development Plan Documents are being prepared for each and Issues and Options Reports are currently available for consultation. More information is available on the Garden Communities Home page.

3. Publication Draft Local Plan

The third stage of the new Local Plan process, the Publication Draft Local Plan consists of two parts: 

  • Section One includes strategic policies covering housing and employment, requirements and proposals for new Garden Communities. 

  • Section Two includes policies and allocations for meeting the needs throughout the rest of the borough as well as Development Management Policies which are used for considering planning applications. 

The consultation ran from 16th June to 11th August 2017. 

View documents

4. Preferred Options

The second stage of the new Local Plan process involved setting out the preferred policies and proposals to be included in the Local Plan. 

The consultation ran from 9th July to 16th September 2016. 

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You can also view responses on our dedicated Local Plan consultation portal

5. Issues and Options

The first stage of the new Local Plan process, the Issues and Options identified issues in Colchester and the planning options available to address them. 

The consultation ran from 16th January to 27th February 2015. 

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