Timeline | Colchester Borough Council

Winter support

Colchester Borough Council is providing support for residents, businesses and communities throughout winter.


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  • See a timeline of actions relating to the Colchester / Braintree and Colchester / Tendring Border Garden Communities.

Date: July 2019
Info: The Council’s Local Plan Committee will consider the revised evidence base, Additional Sustainability Appraisal and proposed modifications to the Local Plan. Following the Committee’s approval the Council will carry out a joint consultation with Tendring and Braintree District Councils on the documents.

Date: August – September 2019
Info: Following the Local Plan Committee’s approval, the Council will carry out a public consultation on the revised evidence base, Additional Sustainability Appraisal and proposed modifications to the Local Plan. The consultation will be hosted on the North Essex Authorities joint consultation portal.

Date: October 2019
Info: After the public consultation closes, the Council will work with Tendring and Braintree District Councils to gather all the consultation responses and send them to the Inspector along with copies of the revised evidence base, Additional Sustainability Appraisal and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan.

Date: October 2019
Info: The Inspector will review the documents submitted to him and consider the representations to the public consultation before issuing ‘Matters, Issues, and Questions’ (MIQs) to form the basis of reconvened hearing sessions. The Council and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to respond to these questions to assist the Inspector in his Examination of the Local Plan.

Date: December 2019
Info: Reconvened hearing sessions will be carried out. These sessions will allow all interested parties to appear in person and provide oral evidence to the Examination of the Local Plan.

Date: January 2020
Info: The Inspector will issue his post-hearing session findings (also known as an interim report). Providing the Inspector finds no reason to find the Local Plan fundamentally unsound, he will propose modifications to the original plan submitted in October 2017.

Date: February 2020
Info: The Council’s Local Plan Committee will consider the Inspector’s post-hearing session findings and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan.

Date: Spring 2020
Info: The Council will work with Tendring and Braintree District Councils to carry out a public consultation on the proposed modifications to the Local Plan. The consultation will be an opportunity for interested parties to comment on any changes that have been recommended by the Inspector to make the plan sound.

Date: Spring 2020
Info: Following the public consultation the Inspector will consider all representations before issuing his final report to the Council.

Date: Summer 2020
Info: Subject to the findings of the Inspector, Full Council will then consider the adoption of the Local Plan. If the Local Plan is adopted it will immediately come into force and any planning proposals in the borough will have to be made in accordance with its policies.


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