Tendring / Colchester Border Garden Community | Colchester Borough Council

Winter support

Colchester Borough Council is providing support for residents, businesses and communities throughout winter.

Tendring / Colchester Border Garden Community

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We are working with Tendring District Council and Essex County Council in preparing a plan for the new Garden Community at Tendring Colchester Borders.


  • Information about the planning process for the Colchester / Tendring Border Garden Community.

The Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community is being jointly planned with Tendring District Council to provide new housing and job opportunities alongside transformational infrastructure such as a new link road between the A120 and A133, a new Rapid Transit System serving new and existing residents in Colchester, as well as unlocking land for a new Salary Brook Country Park. Development will take place over many decades with an ‘infrastructure first’ approach to delivery which will see key facilities and services provided alongside new homes.

The planning of the new Community is at an early stage and subject to the Local Plan being found sound and adopted by the Council. The next stage of the planning process will be a community-led master planning exercise. The Council is keen to ensure that all voices are heard through this process so that the Garden Community reflects the views and needs of local stakeholders. This local engagement will determine the design and layout of the new Community including how it interacts with, and benefits, existing residents.

In the mean time you can find out more about the principles underpinning the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community in the North Essex Garden Communities Charter and keep up to date with the latest news

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