Winter support

Colchester Borough Council is providing support for residents, businesses and communities throughout winter.

Equality and diversity in employment

At Colchester Borough Council we have a corporate approach to equality and diversity that reinforces the importance of providing equal opportunities to potential and existing employees. Through the employment of committed and motivated people we can deliver excellent customer services and improve the reputation of the Council as an employer of choice. We are proud to have achieved national recognition of this commitment in the form of the Equality Framework for Local Government.

To ensure that these principles are embedded into our recruitment process, we provide training for our employees in both the legislative and practical issues of Equality and Diversity as well as integrate these aspects into our bespoke Recruitment and Selection training course.

We welcome applications from all members of our community to ensure the diversity of our borough is fully represented through the services that we deliver.

Equality and diversity monitoring

As part of the Council's approach to Equality and Diversity in Employment, each year we collect data that is analysed to monitor how closely our workforce represents the needs of the local community as well as to ensure the fairness of our employment practices. Please see downloads below for more information.

Equality and Diversity Monitoring Data 2019-2020

Gender pay gap

New Equality Act regulations require public organisations with more than 250 employees to publish a range of gender pay gap figures. The first annual 'snapshot' must be published by 30 March 2018. The requirements for the public sector largely mirror those for the private sector.

Each year, our results will be published on the Government's "digital portal" website along with those of other organisations, and also on our website in the Datashare section.

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